Divorced “Tradwives” Are Sharing How And Why They Got Out Of Their Marriage, And I Am In Shock That Some Men Still Act Like This
  1.  “He decided to trade me in for a newer model with a trust fund. We were 10 years into what I thought was a good marriage. I was wrong.”
Person wearing a long-sleeve shirt and bracelet, using their right hand to remove a ring from their left hand

“He married her months after our divorce. Now, 20+ years later, they are miserable. Bicker constantly according to my children, and I’m quite okay with not being with him or dealing with her. 

Yes, she knew he was married with two young children, but pursued him anyway. No, I’m not sorry for how it all turned out; ultimately, probably for the best. I’ve had a great life and career. I spent the last two decades making sure my kids are okay, and soon it will be time for me. Being a starter wife was a blessing in disguise. I think ultimately, we all got what we deserved.”


2. “I guess I fell into the category of tradwife: a stay-at-home mom to two kids [who] homeschooled them and had a great community of friends doing the same kind of thing. I wouldn’t say we [my husband and I] were ‘trad’ like what you see on TikTok; it wasn’t a goal of mine or anything, we just did what worked for us. Until it didn’t work anymore.”

A woman helps a young blond boy holding a pink donut in a kitchen. The boy is sitting on the countertop near the sink

Igor Suka / Getty Images

“Our relationship started feeling off, emotionally, physically, it all just started falling apart slowly over a year or so. He worked so much, we lived apart when our second child was born because of work. It was a lot. We did therapy and tried all sorts of things until we decided to divorce. 

Turned out, my husband was gay, didn’t want to ever face it due to his own reasons (parental shaming as a kid, amongst other things) [and had] created the life he thought he should have and had been having affairs online for years. 

I understand why he couldn’t be truthful sooner, but I think it’s wild he lived a whole different life for so long. He ended up having a lot of resentment towards me because I wasn’t what he wanted, but he felt like he needed to live the ‘traditional life’. We’re in such a better place now, friendship-wise and personally. Life is crazy!”


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